Dynamic Product Finder Use the selections below to find the best radio for your communications needs Filter By Reset filters Device Type Mobile Radio Technology DMR DMR Features UHF GPS ** 512 Channels / 32 Zones IP54 Rated Text Messaging Encryption - Basic Encryption - ARC4/AES * Encryption – Hytera AES * Bluetooth ** Radio Registration Service Lone Worker * Priority Interrupt Remote Monitor * Stun and Revive * XPT Digital Trunking * Multi-Site Roaming IP Site Connect * * Purchase of an additional license is required for these features** Not all models in this product line support this feature HM652 DMR Mobile RadiosH-Series entry-level DMR mobile radio with optional GPS and BluetoothView Product Have Questions? We're Here to Help CONTACT US
HM652 DMR Mobile RadiosH-Series entry-level DMR mobile radio with optional GPS and BluetoothView Product